How CrisisGo's Solutions Fit The Grant and How We Can Assist in Securing This Funding
At CrisisGo, we recognize that school safety is multi-faceted and includes threat assessments, safety planning, digital platforms for COVID testing and vaccination record management, student mental health assessments, and much more. We know that funding is crucial to optimizing safety and we are here to help you sort through the abundance of available information.
Tune in to this conversation to learn how our specialists can help you to secure the Ohio Attorney General’s FY22 grant. We will explain how our solutions fit this important grant and can meet your specific school safety needs.

Dr. Don Gemeinhardt Grant Expert CrisisGo

Mike Boehm Regional Sales Manager CrisisGo
We'll discuss:
- Details of the Ohio Attorney General’s school safety grant
- Utilizing Grant Assistance Programs (GAP) to secure funding
- How CrisisGo’s solutions perfectly fit the grant
- An overview of CrisisGo’s streamlined, innovative solutions