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Streamlined Communication and Accounting for Employees


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South Platte Water Renewal Partners 
2900 South Platte River Drive
Englewood, CO 80110
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Customer Since: 2019
Industry: Utilities

South Platte Water Renewal Partners streamlines communication and their ability to account for employees.

Read this story to learn how our digital safety and crisis response platform is helping South Platte Water Renewal Partners streamline communication and account for their employees.

"Having the ability to alarm people and notify them is huge for us. We just didn't have that capability before, and having the added feature of now employees can communicate with one system and say, 'I made it to this evacuation point. I'm safe,' That's a huge, huge step up for us."

John Saturley

Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator

Challenges Faced

South Platte Water Renewal Partners operates a large water treatment plant that covers approximately 50 acres. They needed a way to be able to give quick and easy access to emergency plans, account for their employees during an incident, and maintain reliable communication throughout any situation.



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Proposed Solution

South Platte Water Renewal Partners chose CrisisGo's digital safety and crisis response platform to allow them to fully communicate with and account for their employees in the event of an emergency. By using CrisisGo's digital safety and crisis response platform, South Platte Water Renewal Partners is also able to:

  • Send emergency alerts directly to staff members.
  • Grant all employees instant access to their emergency protocols from their smart phones or other devices.
  • Provide employees with a central location for all the internal and external emergency contacts.
  • Allow employees in distress to ping their GPS location.
  • Connect with first responders and share critical safety information.

As an added benefit, CrisisGo's digital safety and crisis response platform runs on Amazon Web Services, which ensures South Platte Water Renewal Partners has the most reliable, secure, and redundant connection possible for their workplace safety needs.



John Saturley, Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator at South Platte Water Renewal Partners informed that they previously encountered a situation where employees smelled natural gas, but could not quickly access their paper or intranet versions of their emergency action plan while evacuating, so they called Saturley on the phone to ask for guidance.

Saturley commended the value of digital access to safety protocols and stated: "We think that's going to be really helpful, just having all that information readily available on your phone, regardless of where you are in the plant."

In addition to improving communication and access to safety information, Saturley said that they have enjoyed the ability to check the status of employees and plan to expand their safety check in use with off-site employees. 

Saturley commented, "We think that is really going to help us. We have other employees who leave the site as well, and we've been using the check in feature. I think will be very valuable in the long-term for us."